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Are you a Gemini looking for a beautiful and meaningful English name? Look no further! Here is a comprehensive list of charming and significant names for those born under the sign of the Twins.

1. Aurora - Meaning "dawn," this name symbolizes new beginnings and fresh starts, perfect for the ever-curious and adaptable Gemini.

2. Felix - A name that means "fortunate" or "happy," reflecting the positive and optimistic nature of many Geminis.

3. Luna - With its connection to the moon, this name represents intuition, emotions, and the ever-changing nature of the Gemini personality.

4. Jasper - A name derived from the gemstone, symbolizing creativity, communication, and intellectual curiosity.

5. Seraphina - Meaning "fiery ones," this name embodies the passionate and lively spirit commonly found in Geminis.

6. Orion - Named after the constellation, this name signifies strength, courage, and a sense of adventure, all traits often associated with Geminis.

7. Zephyr - Representing a gentle breeze, this name reflects the dual nature of the Gemini, who can be both calming and invigorating.

8. Phoenix - A name that symbolizes rebirth and transformation, reflecting the ever-evolving and adaptable nature of Geminis.

9. Juno - Meaning "queen of the heavens," this name represents power, wisdom, and a strong sense of self, characteristics often found in Gemini individuals.

10. Apollo - Named after the Greek god of the sun, this name symbolizes creativity, vitality, and a love for the arts, all traits commonly seen in Geminis.

These names are not only beautiful and unique but also carry deep meanings that resonate with the complex and multifaceted nature of the Gemini personality. Choose one that speaks to you and embodies the essence of your zodiac sign!

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